Aged Lime Putty, Size: 2 Gallons

SKU: NAP-510-14310

In Stock

PRICE: US$ 79.90

Natural Pigments Aged Lime Putty is of the highest purity for intonaco and other plaster coats. This lime putty comes from our lime pit, aged at least two years, and has been extensively tested for use in fresco. With lime of this purity, it is possible to create brilliant fresco paintings with excellent permanence. It also can be used for a variety of plaster finishes, such as marmorino, Venetian stucco, scraffito, and scagliola.

Slaking quick lime for an extended period enhances the workability and body of lime used in construction and restoration applications.

Natural Pigments Aged Lime Putty is a high-purity lime putty product that is fully slaked and screened for immediate use. This product has exceptional plasticity beneficial in dry mortars such as those used for tuckpointing. It is formulated to allow for volume proportioning equivalent to dry hydrate additions in compliance with ASTM C270.

Physical Properties
Property Specification Test Method
Finer than 325 Mesh 92% minimum MCLO-72
Calcium (CaO) Equivalent, % 74.5% typical ASTM C1271-99
Magnesium, % 0.40 maximum ASTM C1271-99
Total Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) Assay, % 95.0 minimum ASTM C1271-99

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